I was appointed guest editor for the journal "Artificial Intelligence" of MDPI
for a specal issue entitled
"AI-Powered Smart Cities: Towards Sustainable Urban Environments".
For more information, refer to the call for papers.
Deadline for submission: October 30, 2025.
A flyer can be downloaded.
During the 8th international conference
"Smart Data, Smart Cities"
held in Athens, Greece on June 3 to 7, 2024, I gave a key-note address entitled
 "AI-Supported Smart City: Quo Vadis"

A second presenttion was given as a key-note address at
the 30th International DMS Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, Visualization and Visual Languages
DMSVIVA24, San Francisco, USA, October 26 - November 3, 2024

In October 17, 2024, I was invited to give a keynote address at the international conference "BI&SemWeb 2024 ,
Science de données & données ouvertes en Afrique, Applications E-Gouvernement, BIM et Urbanisme" organized in Lome, Togo.

My address, in French, was dealing with Digital Twin Cities. It can be downloaded.

The people's committee of the Vietnamese city of Ho-Chi-Minh has decided to transform it into a smart city. For that purpose, a master plan was established covering all aspects including human resources for the design and implementation of this project.

The Agency of French-speaking Universities was commissioned for this issue and together with Prof. Gayo Diallo of the University of Bordeaux, we were asked to make a report.

This report includes the creation of a Master program of "Engineering Smart Cities".

CPU-Lyon is a non-for-profit association located in Lyon, France, and dedicated to assist international students in their studies.
With Yves Livian, professor in sociology, we are volunteers in this association and made a survey about the use of generative artificial intelligence when writing their Master or doctoral dissertations.
Two presentations were made:

Webinar of the Veneto Region in Italy
Talk  "Sfide dell’intelligenza artificiale per le smart city"
delivered May 7, 2004
organized with ASITA

Mediterranean Smart Cities Conference
2-4 May 2024, Martil and Tetuan, Morocco

Keynote address "Smart City, quo vadis?"

Conference paper
"Exploring Feedforward Knowledge Management for Smart and Sustainable Cities"

Panel Moderation at the Burgundy School of Business

Panel entitled: "Sustainable Mobility Transitions: the role of smart cities"

Monday 29 January 2024, Lyon, France

Panel interventions made at the IARIA ComputationWorld &DataSys 2023 Congress
June 26, 2023 to June 30, 2023 - Nice, France

Panel #2: "Awareness of AI-tools in Education": How to tackle AI-generated fake theses?

Panel #5: "Cognition Challenges in Digital Society": Cognition and Reasoning in Urban Planning

Keynote address: "A Research Agenda on Knowledge Management for Regional Policies". See below.

Knowledge Management for Regional Policymaking

After the European brainstorm workshop on "Spatial knowledge as a tool for strategic and data-based regional policy" which was held in Lyon, France on October 28-29, 2021, a book was published by Springer in January 2023.

Look https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-15648-9 for more details about its contents, in which I published three papers:

  • LAURINI R. (2022) "Promises of Artificial Intelligence for Urban and Regional Planning and Policymaking". .
  • LAURINI R. (2022) "Semantic Analysis of Feedforward Knowledge for Regional Policymaking". 
  • LAURINI R., NIJKAMP P., BORDOGNA G., KOURTIT K., DUCHATEAU F., RINALDI A., BOUZOUINA L., MEHAFFY M.E., ANTHONY B. (2022) "Regional Knowledge Management and Sustainable Regional Development: In Quest of a Research and Knowledge Agenda"..
Four presentations of this agenda were made at:
-  5th International Conference on Applied Informatics (ICAI), October 27 to 29, 2022, Arequipa, Peru.
-  6th International Conference on Geoinformatics and Data Analysis (ICGDA 2023), April 13 to 15, 2023, Marseille, France.
-  6th International Conference on Information Technology and Systems (ICITS 23), April 24 to 26, 2023) Cusco, Peru. (In Spanish).
- 12th International Conference on Smart Cities, Systems, Devices and Technologies (SMART 2023), June 26-30, 2023,  Nice, France
Geographic Knowledge for Territorial Intelligence

In September 2022, seminar  given in  Spanish in several universities in Latin America, Universidad de las Américas de Quito, Ecuador, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana de Quito, Ecuador, and Universidad ECCI de Bogotá, Colombia.

See here for the slides.

Training for researchers at the Universidad Autónoma de Bacaramanga, Colombia

In September 2022, with Prof. Jean Ruffier, a one-week training was given at the Universidad Autónoma de Bacaramanga, Colombia. The objective was to give researchers the key-elements to succeed in their mission.

Interoperability in Geographic Knowledge Bases

Conference  given in  Italian at the ASITA conference in  Genoa, Italy in June 2022

See here for the slides.

Science and Technology Higher Education in Developing Countries:
Between Evidence and Hope

Conference given in French at ISEP, Paris, France, on May 19, 2022.

See here for the slides.

16th IEEE International Conference on SEMANTIC COMPUTING
Keynote speaker in this conference held online January 26-28, 2022 with a talk entitled "Semantic Analysis for
Geographic Knowledge Modeling"

See here for the slides.

5th International Conference on Geoinformatics and Data Analysis (ICGDA 2022)

Keynote speaker in this conference held online January 21-23, 2022 with a talk entitled "An Introduction
to Intelligent Geoprocessing"

See here for the slides.

Brainstorm Workshop on Regional Knowledge

Main organizer of the European brainstorm workshop on "Spatial knowledge as a tool for strategic and data-based regional policy" which will be held in Lyon, France on October 28-29, 2021.
See here for more details.

Training for Research Lab Heads

Within the aegis of the NGO "Universitaires Sans Frontières/Academics Wothout Borders", I was the main organizer of a one-week-long training for the heads of research laboratories. This was done two times:

- remotely for the Autonomous University of Buramanga (UNAB) in Colombia in April 2021
- onsite for the School of Enginerring (ENISo) of the University of Sousse, Tunisia, in October 2021


Invited talk entitled "An Introduction to Intelligent Geoprocessing", given July 20, 2021 during the Thirteenth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, GEOProcessing 2021, July 18, 2021 to July 22, 2021 - Nice, France.

Click here for the slides.

Geocultural Cartography

Conference given June 25, 2021, within the framework of the Tfanen Takwin Tunisian program to reinforce skills in heritage and culture.

See here for the slides in French.

5th Smart Data, Smart Cities, Nice

President of the Program Committee of the 5th International Conference "Smart Data, Smart Cities"  http://www.udms.net which will be held in Nice, France on September 28-October 2, 2020.
See proceedings, for ISPRS annals:
https://www.isprs-ann-photogramm-remote-sens-spatial-inf-sci.net/VI-4-W2-2020/ and for ISPRS archives:

4th Smart Data, Smart Cities, Kuala Lumpur

Tutorial given during the international Conference GeoSpatial held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 1-3, 2019. umbrella event of the 4th International Conference "Smart Data, Smart Cities" (http://www.udms.net). The title of the tutorial was "Modeling Urban Knowledge".


Keynote speaker at the 25th International Distributed Multimedia Systems Conference on Visualization and Visual Languages (DMSVIVA), held in Lisbon, Portugal, July 8-9, 2019, with two talks:
1 - "Mathematical Modeling of Geographic Static Rules"
2 - "Introduction to Mobile Applications Development for Smart Cities"

The open journal  Smart Cities (ISSN 2624-6511) has asked me to organize a special issue on

"Geographic Knowledge Discovery
and Big Data Analytics
in Smart Cities"

The deadline is 31 January 2020.

See the Call for Papers for more details.


by Yves-Frédéric LIVIAN and Robert LAURINI
Price: 12 euros.

In France, you are now permitted to write a Master or PhD dissertation in English. See the flyer for more details.

On December 2018 and January 2019, I received three invitations in Maghreb:
- on December 4-5, I gave a key-note address at the conference on Artificial Intelligence and its Applications (AIAP'2018)
at El Oued, Algeria. The title of the talk was "From GIS to Smart Cities: Key-Concept Landmarks".
- on December 18-20, I was invited to gave a tutorial at SETIT 2018. The Conference on the Sciences of Electronics, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications which was held in Hammamet. The title was "The four pillars of Smart City’s ICT". See slides.
- on January 15, the Center for Spatial Techniques (CTS) in Arzew, near Oran, Algeria, asked me to give two talks in French (on "Complex Geographic Objects" and "Geographic Knowledge") and organize a panel on Smart Gouvernance. See slides in French. After that, I gave a seminar at the Oran University of Science and Technology about ICT for smart cities.

The open journal DATA (ISSN 2306-5729) has asked me to organize a special issue on

"Big Data Challenges in Smart Cities"

The deadline is November 30, 2018.

See the Call for Papers for more details.

April 18-20, 2018, in the city named s'Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands, I was invited for the International Kick-Off Venue of a new research center  M-i-City Centre, Cities4People: Smart Cities and Data Analytics, at the Jheronimus Academy for Data Sciences.

The title of my paper was "Knowledge Society, Territorial Intelligence, Smart Cities, Knowledge Infrastructure". See slides, paper and video.

During the GISTAM 2018 conference held in Madeira (March 17-19, 2018), I was chairing a panel entitled "New technologies for spatial planning" with Uwe Stilla, Technical University of Munich, Eugene Fiume, University of Toronto and Kostas E. Katsambalos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The subquestions were:
 - What do you think that big data will bring to spatial planning?
 - In the context of the knowledge society, what could geographic knowledge bring to geosciences?
 - What are the specificities of urban knowledge?
 - What could be the role of deep learning in geosciences?

In March 2018, I went to the University of Basilicata, Italy for two events. The first one was a conference and the second a Master course.

See slides in Italian for the 4-hour course entitled
"Infrastrutture de conoscenze geografiche, applicazioni all'intelligenza delle città e dei territori"

In January 2018, I went to Ecuador for two talks.

The first one was given as invited speaker in the ICITS conference held in Santa Elena
and the second at the University of Guayaquil.

See slides in Spanish.

Key-note address given at  the Chinese conference "Virtual Geographic Environment"
held in Chengdu in November 2017, followed by a seminar at the Nanjing Normal University, both
entitled "Geographic Knowledge Modeling for Territorial Intelligece".

See slides.

During the 2nd International Conference "Smart Cities, Smart Data", held in Puebla, Mexico on October 2017 and organized by UDMS.
R. Laurini was chairing the best paper annoucement and also giving a 4 hour workshop on "Geographic
Knowledge Infrastructure: Applications to Territorial Intelligence and Smart Cities".

Key-note address given at Moroccan MORGEO conference
held in Casablanca, May 2017, entitled "Introduction à l’infrastructure des connaissances géographiques"

See slides.

Key-note address given at  GEOProcessing 2017, Nice, April 2017, The Ninth IARIA International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services: "Towards Smart Urban Planning through Knowledge Infrastructure" .

See full text.

New book on "Geographic Knowledge Infrastructure: Application to
Territorial Intelligence and Smart Cities" .

See flyer.

Course of Excellence about "Geographic Knowledge Infrastructure: Application to
Territorial Intelligence and Smart Cities" given at the Polytechnic University of Turin,
Italy in February/March 2017 in 15 hours.

See Announcement.

President of the First International Conference "Smart Data, Smart Cities"

September 7-9, 2016, University of Split, Croatia

See SDSC Web Site.

Moderator of the panel
"What kinds of ICT Tools to Plan a Smart City?"
2nd International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Managemen
26-27 April 2016, Roma, Italy
With Wolfgang Kainz, University of Vienna, Austria and Barbara Koch, University Freiburg, Germany .
See preliminary slides.
Various presentations made in Spanish August 2015, in Mexico
(UNAM-Morelia, Tec de Monterrey-Puebla, BUAP Puebla)
and October 2015 in Colombia (Universidad Distrital de Bogota),
entitled "Conocimientos geográficos para la Inteligencia Territorial"
See Slides.
Regular publisher paper
LAURINI R. (2015) "Geographic Ontologies, Gazetteers and Multilingualism",
Journal  Future Internet, 2015, 7, 1-23; doi:10.3390/fi7010001,
See Paper.

Keynote speaker at
1st International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
GISTAM 2015, 28 - 30 April 2015, Barcelona, Spain
"Geographic Knowledge for Territorial Intelligence". See video.

Keynote speaker at Forum TECHNOLOGYforALL, Rome, Italy held in June 4-5, 2014. See video in Italian.

Keynote speaker at the 50th Congress of AICA 2013 "Frontiere Digitali: dal Digital Divide alla Smart Society", Fisciano (SA) , 18-19-20 Settembre 2013, Università degli Studi di Salerno. See video in Italian of my talk entitled "Tecnologie ICT per le Smart City".

Keynote speaker at
The 19th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems
DMS 2013,  August 8 - August 10, 2013, Brighton, United Kingdom
Received Fellow of the Knowledge Systems Insitute
"A Conceptual Framework for Geographic Knowledge for Territorial Intelligence"
See Slides, See Paper

Regular paper at
 UDMS 2013,
May 29th – 31st 2013, University College London, London, United Kingdom
"Chorems: a New Tool for Territorial Intelligence"
See Paper